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Monday, 12 November 2018

Love of Mother

A seven-year marriage took place. There was no problem in the house.
                 But the ideas of the Arya and Orvak were different from the frozen and the sky. The idea between the two families was that the behavior was different.
                 Aina is a modern girl nowadays there was no discrimination between boys and girls in her house.
But there was a little different atmosphere in her in-laws' house. There were some rules for the girl. Arnav was also not an exception in that. His address was only after his marriage. Because before the marriage was not met. If everything was done in a hurry, then Ayena could not find much information about Arnav. However, whatever situation came after him after the patient, he accepted the laugh.
 Arnav said, after many years, if there is a Rajkumar in the house then the house will become green.
        If the mother came to the princess with the ease of laughing, Aya, then,? There is such a surefire, Rajkunwar will come;
"We Will Make Sure"
Meaning? Aina grieved.
This means my friend is such a doctor. We will go to him next week and get him checked.
And then will the son? Aina quote was a vibration in her voice.
So what ? How much longer is abortion? The first son in his family is the only one.
We do not want the girl's janjat. The second time a boy will see. I need a boy.
Sorry, I do not believe her in my mother or my daughter, or the girl is all the same.
Whatever is in your heart, this house will be from customary. There is no rule over this ..?
     Aina also made Manakkum this time. For so long, he alone was resolving everything. Now in this matter he will not solve it.

Her child will not die because of being a girl. And such words came out from the mouth of the anna.
      She is also someone's girl! Mother's daughter is not a mother? Why would he think so,,,!
Why do daughters like so much?

 And even after explaining how much the mother-in-law and husband understood, nobody understood it. If you do not understand the mother-in-law then mother will go away. I am ready to leave this house forever. But for this there will be no value for anyone. It was not an admission to leave Ayurveda house with good luck.
               And there were all weaknesses in front of Aina's insistence. Sasu was born of a son, so many wishes were kept. There was no astrology in it. The boy was in the stomach of his daughter, since then the sauSu had become calm. And the sons of joy were watching the way. But the Aina gave birth to the girl, then everyone's face was at 12 o'clock. But Ayena welcomed her daughter with heart's love.
         Son, no one should be with you, but he is your mother.
             All in the mind thought that now the boy will be born. They were sitting like this. But Kudrat was only approved. One day Arnav got a heart attack for the first time and did something he did before he died. Aina mourns. After missing the grief, her mother-in-law was removed from her house by her mother-in-law. When her mother came, she came out of her lips when Aina came out of her lips. Good luck, he got a job in the school due to his B. Ed. The life of the anna began to run. Only then a seamant of the society brought the proposal of marriage from front to face for Ayena. After a little refusal, Aina said yes. His daughter would get father's affection for that ace. The girl was just five years old. Vineet was also a divor like him. Vineet had a four year old son. So Aina had a five-year-old daughter, both of whom were educated. Anima's appearance was exquisite. Apart from that, he had proposed marriage to him even though he was a divor. Other money could get him a girl because of money. Both met. Aina Khas, daughter's love for daughter
 Agreed to get it. But I was shocked to hear the words of Vineet. I am ready to accept you in the Aina but not anybody's girl. You can leave him at your home or good boarding school. I am ready to give her expense in that I have no problem.
  But you also have a son!
What about her What does that mean?

What is the meaning of this, leave him in a boarding school?
           Why do not you leave him? His father is still alive.
            So my daughter is not an orphan. Mr. Vineet is her mother too.
I do not agree to your terms
Why do not you have my son in your son, why not my daughter?
You are a man and in that woman is why?
Souri Vineet I do not accept any of these terms and relationships. So much so that the voice started to run from the fireworks.

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